
Bachelor Project - Preparation Course (IP)





Offered by





All courses in semesters 1-4 and Engineering internship must be passed.

Main purpose

To document the ability to act as a Mechanical/Production Engineer.
More specific: 
To document the ability to analyse and explore a technical problem and setup plans and methods for solving it.
To work efficiently and self-driven alone and in collaboration with others as a Mechanical/Production Engineer through a project definition phase.

The purpose of the PBL part of the course is for the students to apply their personal and project skills gained from previous semester projects. Furthermore, they gain an understanding of the theory of science in relation to methods used in the bachelor project.


​Profound understanding of natural scientific issues, experimental qualifications, IT tools and group processes 


​Define and conduct an analysis phase including literature search, feasibility study, economical and technical analysis resulting in a Project Description being in accordance with the VIA Engineering Guidelines

Can prioritize, choose, and justify the selection of solution models for complex issues, including reflecting on the choice of scientific method.
Can argue for the selection of sources, references, and data in connection with project work.


Define content and execution plan for a Bachelors Project within Mechanica/Production Engineering. The project is to include technical research results as well as scientific and technical knowledge for practical application in development assignments and for solving technical problems.

​Define how to conceive, design and implement technical and technological systems and whenever relevant pay the necessary considerations to social, economic, environmental and occupational health topics.

Can independently and critically analyze new knowledge and argue for its application related to the project work.
Can work analytically, methodically, and systematically on the semester project within the project group and incorporate ethical considerations within the profession.


Teaching methods and study activities

The course is based upon developing a Project Description for the Bachelor Project (BPR2) in accordance with VIA Engineering Guidelines.

Group work on the project supported by process and professional guidance, 
Online, video, and group teaching on key topics followed by in-class exercises.




Exam prerequisites:
Approved 30-minute individual multiple choice test on Philosophy of Science

Type of exam:
Group exam with individual assessment based on the bachelor project description submitted before the deadline.
Group presentation approx. 15 minutes, followed by joint examination with joint discussion and individual question rounds for approx. 15 minutes per group including voting.
Individual assessment based on an overall assessment of the submitted work and the individual's performance during the oral exam.
Internal assessment

Tools allowed:

Same as the ordinary exam.

Grading criteria

​Guidelines for Doing Projects at VIA Engineering 

Additional information


Nikolett Holm Szalai Thorup

Valid from

01-02-2024 00:00:00

Course type

IP 6. sem.


Personal competencies Project methodology Theory of science Ethical considerations Critical thinking Holistic approach