
User Experience and Usability





Offered by

ICT Engineering




Main purpose

To introduce students to User eXperience and Usability
Understanding the user is an important part of design. In this course the student gets to dive into the mind and feelings of the user to gain skills in designing better solutions.
Cognition, emotions, authenticity and hedonics are topics within this area. In this journey the key term eXperience is explored in particular within usability, and different kinds of usability tests are conducted e.g. using tools like eye tracking glasses and other neuro sensors.​


​Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain how sensed elements (colors, typography, imagery) evoke emotions
- Explain emotional design using a 3 layer model
- Recognize the significance of usability testing
- Recognize the impact of cognitive load on usability.


​Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize common cognitive processes (e.g., perception, attention, memory).
- Identify cognitive biases that impact user behavior.
- Conduct usability tests with real users using both controlled and natural settings
- Analyse user feedback to improve a design using Instant Data Analysis.
- Discuss the impact of emotional engagement on user behavior.


​Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Compare emotional design across different platforms (web, mobile, physical products)
- Reflect on the impact of authentic storytelling in product narratives
- Propose innovative emotional design solutions for specific contexts
- Reflect on the emotional impact of design choices.
- Compare different settings in usability testing
- Evaluate the impact of design decisions on user satisfaction.
- Discuss ethical considerations in UX design.
- Apply advanced thinking and creativity in understanding the user’s desire and behavior
- Propose innovative solutions for enhancing social interactions in digital products.


Teaching methods and study activities

​Workload for students is estimated to 125 hours – incl. examination and working on a course assignment.

4 lessons per week containing presentations, exercises and practical lab work.​


Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction 5th edition, Jenny Preece, Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers, Wiley 2019
Emotional Design, Donald Norman, Basic Books, 2004
Research articles, selected book chapters and online sources​



Exam prerequisites:

Type of exam:
Individual oral exam, 20 minutes, without preparation.
Exam is based on both a theory question from the course syllabus and practical use documented in the course assignment, which must be handed in before deadline.
Internal assessment. 

Tools allowed:

Same as the ordinary exam.​​

Grading criteria

​Grading according to the Danish 7-point scale. ​

Additional information


Henrik Kronborg Pedersen (hekp)

Valid from

01-08-2024 00:00

Course type


Emotional Design, Cognition, Social Interaction, Authenticity, Hedonics, Interaction Design, Usability testing, Wizard of Oz testing, Instant data analysis