Global Polytechnic Alliance

Et globalt samarbejde mellem VIA, Humber College i Canada og Otago Polytechnic i New Zealand 

Global Polytechnic Alliance blev formelt indgået i 2018 med det formål at skabe nye lærings- og forskningsmuligheder for studerende, undervisere og ansatte samt give institutionernes ledelser et strategisk sparringsforum.

GPA skal, gennem stadig nye initiativer og aktiviteter i linje med institutioners strategier, være med til at styrke polyteknisk uddannelse globalt og lokalt samtidig med at de tre institutioner for mulighed for at fremhæve, dele og styrke værdier og ekspertiser.

Alliancen har fokus på:

  • Industry partnerships – career-focused, community-responsive education and research that is relevant to a rapidly changing and evolving job market developed in partnership with employers.

  • Comprehensive range of credentials – programming across a wide range of credentials and fields of study, using a variety of delivery methods including day, evening and online classes. Credentials can include bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, graduate certificates, certificates and apprenticeships.

  • Pathways – effective and efficient pathways between credentials to recognize previous learning and allow students to build on their prior education.

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship – a unique blend of theoretical, applied and breadth learning, including relevant work experience and multiple opportunities for experiential learning and entrepreneurship.

  • Applied research – opportunities for students to collaborate with faculty and industry to solve real-world problems through applied research.  (Industry and the scholarship of teaching and learning)

  • Capacity development – opportunities to access funding to engage faculty and students in community development initiatives locally and internationally.

Se mere om de enkelte initiativer på GPAs hjemmeside



Rectors signing a memorandum